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Ya tienes disponible en las pestañas de cada grupo contenidos para trabajar desde casa. ¡No te lo pierdas! Asegúrate de estar en la página de tu clase. Pincha en la parte superior y elige la tuya

Lunes 1 de junio, PLÁSTICA 4º EP

Good morning, everybody!

How are you today?

Today we are going to get focus on lines. There are different types of lines. You can see all of them in this video:

Today we are going to get focus on STRAIGHT LINES. We can do a colourful picture by using them:

Now, I am going to explain you how to do it:

1. You need to take a piece of paper, a ruler and markers.

2. Draw a dot in the middle of the piece of paper.

3. Pick a colour and start drawing  straights lines from the dot to the end of the paper.

4. Pick a different colour and continue drawing straight lines.

5. Continue drawing lines with all your markers until you can´t see the white colour from the paper.

As soon as you finish your painting, please send me a picutre to my e-mail:




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