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Ya tienes disponible en las pestañas de cada grupo contenidos para trabajar desde casa. ¡No te lo pierdas! Asegúrate de estar en la página de tu clase. Pincha en la parte superior y elige la tuya

27 marzo, Inglés 6EP

Good morning everybody! How are you today? I hope you are feeling great because IT´S FRIDAY!

Let´s sing and dance this song!

Today we are going to continue working on CHORES. That is why I want you so start playing to these games:

I am sure that you have done a wonderful job! So now, I want you to start with this task: In your notebook, I want you to write 10 questions and 10 answers about chores.

1- Do you do the WASHING UP at three O´clock? (3:00)     Yes, I do.
2- (Put your clothes away  /   8:00 p.m.)
3- (Make your bed  /  8:15 a.m.)
4- (Tidy up  /  4:30 p.m)
5- (Clean the Windows  /  7:45 p.m)
6- (Take out the rubbish  /  9:05 p.m.)
7- (Feed the pets  /   10:00 p.m.)
8- (Water the plants  /  6:35 p.m.)
9- (Sweep the floor  /   7:10 p.m.)
10- (Wash the car  /  4:20 p.m.)

When you finish it, I want you to send me a picture to my e-mail:

Have a nice weekend!


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